So we have some places to stay in Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. Now we look at the British Isles. Aberdeen is the first stop and we are hopeful The Crudens will meet us there for a round of golf at Cruden Bay! Anyone else want to visit us in Scotland, England or Ireland before we leave for Africa??
We are hoping for some suggestions about Scotland for sights not to miss. Steve will take us all to a bunch of whiskey distilleries (Macallan will, of course, be the first stop). Then, we plan to follow a Harry Potter trail - the train bridge, some castles, etc - but we are wondering what else we need to see. Please chime in now as we need to grab a place to stay here and there!
Following our Harry Potter plan we will drive down the East coast of England to see some of the castles where filming took place and then end up in London, England. Our friend Sharona offered to let us invade her place in London. I am not sure she knows what she is getting into! There are 5 of us and 3 are kids!! She will be handsomely rewarded though;)
Steve has the "hook up" in Ireland so that should be figured out in the next week or really, we need some Scotland info.....ready, GO!