Thursday, June 29, 2017

Autumn here again.
Here are answers to questions my dad asked me because I couldn't figure out what to write.

All of the driving is fine, despite the fact that I've been squished in the back with my brothers. I don't mind how long the driving time is because the views are great. I don't get bored, yet I mindlessly listen to music while staring out the window. My mind has been blank lately, and I'd like to keep it that way if it keeps me from becoming homesick.

Supermarkets are interesting. Most Icelanders speak English, which is good, and about half of the food labels are in English, which is great, but the other half of the labels are in Icelandic. This is not a problem, however, because Icelandic has a lot of cognates to English. (ex. kaffi=coffee they sound and look alike)

I've liked all of the Air B&B's so far, especially the modern house in the hills.

There are a lot of trampolines, waterfalls, mountains, lupine, sheep, horses, and waterslides here.

There are marshmallow-looking hay bales all over the farms in Iceland. My dad would like me to explain the process in which the hay bales get wrapped. There's a machine that cuts the grass and puts it into lines. Then comes a 'pooper' machine (named by Bryce and my dad) that collects the hay lines and rolls them into a cylinder in the back and the 'poops' it out the back. After the 'pooper' machine comes the 'wrapper' machine, and it wraps the hay cylinder in saran wrap looking plastic. The finished hay marshmallow is then put onto the field where it was wrapped to dry in the sun.
 This cat likes me (I'm pretty sure she lives across the street)
 Blue water in an underground cave
 Sheep. I love all of the sheep around here. :)
 We keep finding random chairs on top of mini hills as we drive on the Ring Road.

 Flowers by a waterfall
 Me by a waterfall. The hike up to it was nice.
 No filter...the icebergs in the glacier lagoon were flowing out into the sea.
 A bridge that got deformed by a quickly melting glacier
 Looking at icebergs
 Duck on her eggs by the edge of the glacier lagoon
 This duck is staring at you (this was by a glacier lagoon) (she is sitting on her eggs)
 Our place to stay in Southern Iceland. The house is modern and cozy.
 Seal lying on one of the icebergs I was looking at on the iceberg tour in a lagoon.
 Bryce with his shell by a sundial
 Bryce got tired and grumpy on a long hike
 The church and graveyard by Giljaland
 Church near Vik
 Vik beach
 Vik beach...the black sand was smooth and strange; because black sand is normally rougher than most sand, but this particular black sand was smotth
 The Icelandic horses are majestic looking.
 The horses are very friendly here, and walk right up to the fence to see if you have food.
SHEEP. (I love sheep, and the fact that they are everywhere is awesome) (oh, and the lambs following the adult sheep are very cute)

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