Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Edinburgh Fringe

Something Autumn forgot to mention in her recent post... Not unlike our fortuitous timing of being in Amsterdam during Pride week, we unexpectedly found ourselves in Edinburgh during their month long Fringe Festival. The city hosts street performers, artists, comedians, musicians, magicians, etc, etc for the entire month of August, and balloons in population three-fold. The best part, it's all FREE! If I were a starving student on the compulsory college trip to Europe, this is the place to be.  

One of the best Museums I have visited (Museum of Scotland). And quite unexpectedly as all we were trying to find was a bathroom. The interior was a serious of open atriums that took your breath away. A duet of acoustic guitar and fiddle filled the air with an amazing sound.

Autumn sat there for 45 minutes. 

As you walk the main street, people hand out flyers for the performances. It became a game of how many we could collect. But only if offered one.

Unfortunate timing of a Bryce sneeze. In front of Edinburgh castle.

A common scene. Nicole wants some peace, kids won't leave her along...

locked in a cell, looking forlorn.

This quartet was tuning up in a parking lot at sunset and provided a wonderful backdrop to the sunset above.

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