Monday, April 2, 2018

Hey guys, it's Autumn.

Hi. Autumn here. Yep, I'm back. I haven't written on the blog in a long time. The main thing that kept me from writing on here was school. It's been busy and hard to keep up with because all of my family's activities during the day have made it so. I'm currently writing this as I wait for a video of me presenting a speech is uploading. Today is a stay at home and chill day, which has been a really nice contrast to our recent busy South Korea, Japan, and Rome. We drove to our current house in Tuscany yesterday morning and I spent a few hours studying and taking my final science test that afternoon while my parents and Zane went grocery shopping. I finished 8th grade science (2 months early) while they were gone, and now I only have to worry about Algebra, English, and Spanish.

So what else is up with me? hmmm..... I miss my friends back a home a lot. That's something that's always there, though it's nice to have only 3 months left compared to when we were in New Zealand over Christmas and it had been 6 months and we had 6 left to go. It seemed daunting then and before then, but now it's nice that I have only 3 months left until I see my friends again. I typically classify myself as an introvert and someone who enjoys being alone, and I do still think I'm an introvert. But...I like being alone, not lonely. My parents and brothers don't totally count as people I can be with to not be lonely. They help, yes, but being with kids my own age makes me feel like I don't have to face the world alone. Throughout this whole trip it has felt like that.

Now to talk about places:
I LOVED Japan, and I think it's one of my favorite places, if not, favorite of all, we've been. Everything about it was nice. The people, the immaculately clean streets, and the food.

The contrast between Tokyo and Rome is stunning.
I've made a Venn diagram to show you:
One thing I forgot to put on the Venn diagram was the language difference. The Japanese language is a whole thing within itself. Italian, however, is a Latin-based language, and between the little bit of Spanish and French my mom and I know and our English, it's been a lot easier to communicate and understand signs here in Italy.

Yesterday, on Easter, we went to a bunch of different beaches with a bunch of kite surfers on them. Here's some pictures:

I really don't have a lot much more to say. I've been going through the motions just like everyone back at home. My parents write on the blog, so there's not much new country-based content I can offer. 

If you have any questions at all, feel free to email or somehow contact me! I'm always open to talking with people back at home! 
Here's how to reach me:
instagram: @autumnal_long  or @autumn__photography

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