Thursday, April 19, 2018

Venice-a vlog, not a blog

Preface by Steve:
We've officially been to lots of places around the world, and while every city has it's own DNA, Venice stands (sinks) alone as one of the most unique cities in the world. It's hard to put in to words, or in to pictures, just how amazing this place is to simply wander around and wonder how does this place exist. To that end, Autumn opted to create a daily VLOG of our adventures. * Enjoy...

As the title says, I did a video blog (vlog for short) of our time in Venice.
I did a different video for each day. See below:

Day 1 (April 11):

Day 2 (April 12):

Day 3 (April 13):
This one is really long.

All for now... Next Stop: Lake Como!

* Since I still put together photo albums of each city, here is the link to see those pics:

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