Sunday, May 28, 2023

Back in the Saddle Again! Central Europe, here we come...

On the afternoon of April 27, 2018, we emerged from the castle at Carcassonne to this scene...

Click Here if you want to revisit that post

...Which changed the course of our one year journey around the world. We still had about two months left, and were about to head East through Europe and spend time in Nicole's ancestral homeland of Bohemia and the Czech Republic. After days of tearful remorse, anger, frustration, and guilt, we instead turned West across the Atlantic and finished our adventure on an American East Coast road trip. We knew we would eventually get back to Europe some day.

Two years later, after we had made all our arrangements to pick up where we left off, this happened...

...Foiled again!

Two years later, after the world opened up for international travel, and we sat down to plot our journey again, this happened*...

...And we were just not comfortable getting within a couple borders from a warzone. Instead, we ended up here ...

(I had intended on blogging our two high octane weeks there, but got lazy. Sorry)

So here we are, just days away from ACTUALLY making it happen. We're in the final gearing up stage, and about to finish what we started. Rubbing the rabbit's foot, we're off to Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, and Prague (by way of a pit stop in Copenhagen) for an 18 day romp through Central Europe.

For those that followed our blog all those years ago, you may recall that one reason we decided to do something bold for a year was the fact that my Father was diagnosed with terminal cancer five years earlier. Grinding through ten years of every kind of traditional and truly unconventional treatments, he managed to join us for a week during our time in New Zealand, and explored even more with my Mom. He wouldn't let cancer quell his spirit of exploring beyond the horizons. Yet he was on borrowed time, and last summer was his last. My Mom's best friend and travel Sherpa, will be joining us in spirit.

But now my Mom has five Sherpas! Our normal party of five, is now a party of six! I'm super excited to have my Mom join us as we continue The Long Way Around The World.

Next stop, Budapest (by way of Copenhagen)!

We hope you'll follow along...

* Having spent a couple weeks in Ukraine in 2007, we really can't make sense of destruction being wrought on such a wonderful country and it's people. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm super excited that you persevered and are seeing this come to fruition. (Not that I'm surprised.) I so enjoyed following your adventures and am looking forward to reading all about this part of your continued adventures.
