Sunday, June 18, 2017


This map brought a tear to my eye.  By far, the most important thing in this world is friends and family.  Autumn has surrounded herself with truly wonderful friends that care for her thru thick and thin.  She has spent the past month on a bit of a farewell tour of sleep overs, movie dates, trips to town, etc, etc... And I love every bit of it.  Yeah, I haven't seen her much, but I'll make up for that soon.
It does not go unnoticed that we are extracting her from a year of friends, and it's clear this will be tough.  She is an amazing girl (geez, who am I kidding, woman), and I couldn't be anymore proud of who she has become.

1 comment:

  1. This is so precious! It's not everyday that we see and feel that sort of love. She's lucky to have so many wonderful friends.
